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Mold industry development prospects

Release time:2017-07-26 09:26:05  Views:

Die as an industrial mother, the quality of the mold directly determines the overall quality of the product, more than 40% of the mold industry products are automobile molds, the automotive industry as a heavy heavy industry According to statistics, car sales is an average annual growth of 26% , Of which automotive components are larger than vehicles and 90% of the parts must be opened by the mold because the automotive mold market is already very extensive.

Of course, the development of China's auto industry has leaped in the first two years and has gradually entered a slow and slow-growing industry. Under the background of limited transportation infrastructure, enterprises must rely on their own product quality to attract consumers, brands, Based on the above reasons, automobile companies will pay more attention to improving the stable long-term opportunities for vehicle mold manufacturers in terms of performance development and appearance improvement. In recent years, electric vehicles Cars will also be vigorously promoted replacement, new energy vehicles and traditional cars have a great breakthrough in appearance.

Automotive mold

In 2009, domestic-made passenger cars introduced more than 220 new models, of which 50 were new models and 170 were modified models. The ratio of new models and models was about 2/7. In the future, due to the large number of new energy vehicles, especially considering that the Chinese government will reach 5 million sets of administrative guidelines for new energy vehicles in 2020, we expect that the proportion of new vehicles to total vehicles will gradually increase. As traditional car companies have a substantial new capital expenditure plan for new energy vehicles over the next 2-3 years, we forecast a new high point for new-energy vehicles in 2017-2018.

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