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China Automotive Stamping Die Enterprise Features

Release time:2017-07-26 09:25:42  Views:

Die as the mother of the industry, has been considered as the basic technology of industrial production equipment, whether it is automotive, home appliances, electronics, petrochemical, construction and other national economic pillar industries, with the national economy, the mold industry also requires China's die industry today Begin to mature, with the continuous improvement of technology, the expansion of the scale of mold enterprises, both in quantity and quality, are continuously improving their influence and competitiveness in the international arena. Including automotive, home appliances, electronics and other industries is China's largest mold Industry market, accounting for more than 80% of the mold market, automotive stamping die by the world's attention and attention.

Industry 4.0 With the reform in China, the core idea is intelligent manufacturing. Highly developed manufacturing industry is a necessary preparation for countries entering the developed countries. This year, with the introduction of new models and the expansion of the production scale of domestic parts, the demand is also increasing , Low-end mold manufacturing in industrial and developed countries will continue to be like developing countries in China, including the transfer, or tend to buy molds in these countries to reduce the total cost of automobile production, which is an opportunity and a challenge for domestic mold makers, Only by constantly strengthening their own fields and improving their core competitiveness can they stand still more stable in the market and can clearly see that many developed countries also occupy an irreplaceable position in the high-end automotive mold technology.

Automotive stamping die

Auto body data, coordination of the workload of various parts of the data repeatedly adjusted and modified are common in the same period of delivery, stamping die manufacturers require higher delivery time is longer, good quality, technical strength is a measure of the strength of the mold Is a very important factor. However, each enterprise has its own advantages. The joint cooperation between enterprises and enterprises is also in line with the development of the industry so as to realize the mutual support and complementary advantages among the enterprises, which can rationally allocate resources and exert the advantages of the group, Achieve common development and win-win situation.

With the development of industry 4.0, the mold industry has higher demand for smart manufacturing and standards. In addition to meeting the needs of traditional mold business in terms of quality, cost and cycle requirements, the development and application of new mold technologies will become the focus of the domestic mold manufacturing industry in the future The direction of The multi-station mold is developed on the basis of the common progressive mold of the mold with high precision, high efficiency and long life. In addition, automated mold production becomes more and more important, and for the customer, productivity is the true impact on overall production costs.