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What are the different treatment methods of hard oxide film

Release time:2017-07-26 09:05:11  Views:

Most of the daily production process, the good production of products must be hard oxidation to promote the closure of the oxide film is even more important, but how to make the perfect production workers closed the way? Aluminum alloy oxide film is generally known for its increased production efficiency, taking into account the advantages of wear resistance, high temperature and corrosion resistance, but at the same time, but also for a good sealing process, but the general oxide film processing The ways are divided into three kinds, each with its own different, from the following we can see Zhen Xiao.

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First, heat sealing hole

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It is generally close to the boiling point of pure water, when the water and oxide film boehmite, when the volume expansion will be its own narrow pores closed, of course, the temperature of water temperature will drop to 80 degrees Celsius speed. In general, the product of water and reaction is a three-part crystal Bayer body, and when the water level reaches ninety-five degrees Celsius, the boehmite has been synthesized.

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Second, cold sealing hole

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The technology of cold sealing is generally carried out at room temperature, from the beginning of the eighties to the beginning of our country, in our aluminum hard-oxide station on the conductor. In fact, it uses the principle is to use the oxide film and the solution at the interface of the common characteristics occur on this basis to change the charge after the dispersion of the oxide film, in fact, when different sealing machine made of different heat sealing, it will naturally precipitate Corrosive compounds are in the pores.

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Third, the temperature seal

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Needless to say, in the temperature sealing is the cold sealing and heat sealing between the hole sealing method. It occupies an absolute advantage in our country, but it has not been recognized by the world, but it can make some organic stains fade.